Tofu & vege skewers on black rice
Food - our best friend, our worst enemy, a memory vault, a comfort in times of crisis and something that can turn you on or off at first sight. Has anything held such power without uttering a single word?
I think not. My appreciation of food grew immensely after having a feed-tube in my nose for almost two months. I dreamt of pink, iced cupcakes the whole time but couldn't convey my urge. When the occupational therapists decided it was time to potentially remove the feeding tube, they tested my swallowing abilities with a piece of bread smeared with Vegemite, cut into four pieces - the Australian way. I pretended I'd swallowed it by sticking it to the roof of my mouth with my tongue. Their investigative skills were better than I thought. The therapist's finger went into my mouth and scraped out the failed Vegemite experiment. They reinserted the dreaded feeding-tube.
Time went on and my hunger increased. I begun dreaming about a large steak burger. The mere thought of eating one now, makes me want to vomit. Back then (prior to the ABI) I was a meat-eater. A few months later, my wish was granted - a steak was placed before me. I ate it slowly and with every mouthful, I tasted nothing except the unpleasant textureβ¦and started thinking about what I was actually eating. I thought I'd regain my 'normal' taste but, alas, it never returned. Along with many other things, my tastebuds had been lost or changed with the brain haemorrhage.
Throughout the years since, I've dabbled in pescatarian, flexitarian, vegetarianism and veganism. I've recently decided, it's okay to be all three. Everything in moderation. I've found a new of love of cooking, so much easier when you have another person to cook with or for. Living in Melbourne, the food choices are endless. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. When we're not eating out, I'm at home creating something for us to enjoy together - usually an easy vegan, thrown-together dish. I don't use cook books. I haven't yet found a book that's that friendly to one-handed cooks. So, I just make-do, and something quite tasty usually ends up on the plate. My meals have to be quick and easy. So for anyone who struggles in the kitchen, never has quite enough time to create intricate masterpieces and wants to eat healthy, you've come to the right place.
Just need cafe and restaurant recommendations? You'll find those too.
Follow my food journey at @onehandedfoodie on Instagram.
Bon appetit.
Marco brand Marinated tofu with sesame seeds
Wok-tossed snap peas, red capsicum, zucchini & button mushrooms with tamari and a little kecap manis (sweet soy sauce)
90sec packet brown rice
Roasted pumpkin
Pan-fried broccolini bunch
Whole pan-fried mushrooms
S & P, herb & garlic powdered and balsamic glaze