1 in 6, yep, ONE IN SIX people will suffer a stroke in their lifetime. Stroke is a leading cause of disability in Australia and our second biggest killer, behind heart disease. For survivors, it ain't a rosy situation either, trust me, I've been there.
The blue Stroke Solidarity String that I'm wearing in this picture symbolises the connection between all people touched by stroke, the flow of blood and the healthy function of the brain and body. Stroke doesn't discriminate between gender, age or postcode - it has the capability of touching everyone you know.
Buy a string, wear it, talk about and spread awareness. Purchase here from the National Stroke Foundation.
Most importantly, remember - F.A.S.T - the signs that someone may be having a stroke: Face (is their face drooping?) Arms (can they raise both arms?), Speech (is their speech slurred?) and Time (time is critical, the longer a stroke remains untreated, the greater the chance of stroke related brain damage).